Werde Teil der charles-Reise, während wir die Zukunft des eCommerce in ganz Europa gestalten. Lerne uns kennen und erfahre, wie du mit WhatsApp-Marketing Umsatz machst und profitabel bleibst.
Du bist neugierig, wie WhatsApp-Marketing funktioniert? Du möchtest uns oder unseren Kunden Fragen stellen? Triff uns auf diesen Veranstaltungen oder besuche eines unserer Webinare.
📍 ONLINE - November 16, 2023
See a live WhatsApp campaign in action. BRAINEFFECT is in week 2 of a 4-week Black Friday campaign and shares its results and insights.
Sign up📍 ONLINE - November 9, 2023
Ein Case zum Nachmachen: Den Adventskalender von Online-Juwelier PURELEI konnten Fans der Marke schon im Mai per WhatsApp kaufen. (Auf Deutsch 🇩🇪)
Sign up📍 Turin, Italy - October 18-19, 2023
🇮🇹 Drop by booth G10 for coffee and interactive trips into WhatsApp. Leandro Ligetta will speak about how to revolutionize your business with WhatsApp marketing 💛
See event📍 ONLINE - September 14, 2023
Fashion giant, ABOUT YOU, shares its WhatsApp marketing strategy for Black Friday 2023 using the charles WhatsApp platform.
Watch recording📍 Cologne - October 20-21, 2023
We announce our new partnership with Klaviyo and co-host booth 071C36. Come see our masterclass on Day 2, 12-12.30 with German fashion brand Wormland.
Event program📍 Milan, Italy - May 17-18, 2023
Why are so many marketing agencies interested in WhatsApp? Why do Italians love charles? We found out all this and more at Netcomm Forum, Milan...
To event recap📍 Munich (AND ONLINE) - 17 October, 2022
Meta, SNOCKS, Jack Wolfskin and more, all in one room. The biggest D2C ecommerce conference in Germany, organized by charles and Mawave.
Watch online (free)📍 Cologne - 21-22 September, 2022
Meet us at DMEXCO, together with Mawave. We'll help you tackle retention and acquisition for your business using WhatsApp and digital marketing.
To event recap📍 Berlin - 29-30 June, 2022
Meet Chris and Olivia at K5 in Berlin and see what conversational commerce can do for your business.
📍 Milan - 20 June, 2022
At this invite-only event, meet Ilaria and Antonio and learn about the future of retail performance trends in the Italian fashion market.
📍 London - 6-8 June, 2022
See Andreas present the State of Conversational Commerce for the future.
📍 Hamburg - 17-18 May, 2022
See Addy present the State of Conversational Commerce for the future.
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