WhatsApp Black Friday strategy 2024: How to turn one-time deals into all-time customers

WhatsApp Black Friday strategy 2024: How to turn one-time deals into all-time customers blog

By Maxine Hess

Writer | WhatsApp marketer | Creative

đŸ’„BLACK FRIDAY!!!!đŸ’„ It's exciting but how do you keep customers hot after the deals have died down? Slot WhatsApp into your BFCM strategy this year. Here's a complete strategy for you.


There's no doubt that Black Friday is a huge date in the calendar of eCommerce brands – and it's growing bigger every year in Europe and DACH. Even the brands who "don't do" Black Friday like Patagonia still manage to create some kind of buzz around themselves on this day.


As such an important sales event (it's November 29 this year by the way, you're welcome), it's likely that you've been given a decent-sized budget to make a big splash.


We're here to tell you that a splash is not enough. When you invest so much in raising awareness of your brand, why not add a little extra to that budget to keep customers with you in the long-term?


After all, consumer brands in 2024 are all painfully aware that it's cheaper to keep existing customers than to attract new ones and WhatsApp marketing is the best way to improve customer retention.


Our strong recommendation is that you do what our clients do: make WhatsApp central to your BFCM (Black Friday and Cyber Monday) strategy in 2024. It's never too early to start.



Black Friday WhatsApp strategy message collageYou may not realize it but brands in DACH are already 2 years in to sending WhatsApp campaigns on Black Friday. Here are some from our clients. 



By using a fun, personal WhatsApp channel, you can retain customers more easily in the long term. So rather than focusing more likes, follows or email addresses (though these are useful), this year, use the hype around BFCM (Black Friday and Cyber Monday) to start and build your WhatsApp channel.


After all, your competitors probably are, so why not get there first?


This way, the fun relationships you start Black Friday will turn into committed ones far into the future, to earn you more stable revenue and reduce the hefty costs of customer acquisition.


What is Black Friday?

First, the basics: Black Friday is a discount shopping day that originated in the US. On this day, brands offer special deals on many products. Originally focused on technology, it has spread to fashion, food and every industry imaginable. The event marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season


Black Friday is now very popular with eCommerce brands (and consumers) in the DACH region, the UK and other European countries.


At the same time, there is some growing cynicism around the day, with some questioning whether the deals are as good as they're made out to be. Some brands now choose not to do Black Friday at all, with some (particularly independent retailers) doing charity actions instead.



DAI Green Friday for Black Friday campaign

How one of our clients did Black Friday more gently on WhatsApp last year



When is Black Friday 2023?

Black Friday 2024 is on November 29. Cyber Monday is December 2. Black Week runs the week from Black Friday.


In the last few years it's been evolving into Black Month, with discounts and deals starting weeks before the main event – to avoid the rush and get there before competitors – and carrying on for weeks afterwards.


Why WhatsApp marketing for Black Friday 2024?

  • Beat (or join) your competitors: WhatsApp Business may be a relatively new marketing channel in the EU (compared to countries like Brazil and India), but many innovative brands have already been using it for 4 years. You need to make sure you have a presence there too as we can see a critical mass being reached. And if your competition isn't in WhatsApp yet, you have an easy, affordable edge over them.
  • Test WhatsApp Business before the holidays: You'll want to be proficient with it by then as more and more companies will be already be experienced WhatsApp, and so will customers. Singles Day is the perfect day for this.
  • Consumers want to talk to you in WhatsApp. Your customers are getting used to the ease of chatting with brands they love in the apps they love and will soon expect this from you, too. 

70 per cent of people feel more connected to businesses they can message

The Independent


Our WhatsApp Black Friday strategy 2024 

Here, we share the WhatsApp Black Friday marketing strategy we've shared with our customers, sending Black Friday campaigns on using the charles WhatsApp platform.


This strategy is designed to help you approach Black Friday as an opportunity to build your WhatsApp channel, get to know customer preferences and attract customers for the long-term, and not as a fast money-making event.



  • The more people you have in your WhatsApp channel
  • The more you know about them
  • And the more strategic you are in your retention strategy

...the more revenue you will make in the long term. 


So we've split our strategy into before, during and after Black Week. Feel free to use this comprehensive plan for your WhatsApp marketing channel:


How to prepare for long-term success

  1. Before Black Friday 2024: grow your WhatsApp audience 
  2. During Black Week 2024: run a winning WhatsApp campaign
  3. After Black Week 2024: roll out your WhatsApp retention strategy



typie-the-authorDon't have a WhatsApp marketing platform yet? You'll need one to start using the WhatsApp Business API and start messaging your customers. Don't worry, there's still enough time. But make sure you get in touch with us now.



1. Before Black Friday: build your WhatsApp channel

The groundwork you do now will set you up for future success. 


Your main focus from now until Black Friday should be to get as many people as you can opted in to receiving WhatsApp communications from you. This is your biggest chance of the year to entice people into your marketing channels, so make it count :) 


(If you already have WhatsApp marketing software, skip to number 2.)  


1. Choose a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider

If you're a small business, sending WhatsApp messages to fewer than 256 people, it's easiest (and cheapest) to use the free WhatsApp Business app. If you're a medium to large to enterprise eCommerce business, you'll need the scalability, automation and analytics of the WhatsApp API (WhatsApp Business Platform).


To use the API, you'll need a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) like charles.


We're a Meta Partner that has taken the WhatsApp API and built a user-friendly, collaborative user interface on top of the WhatsApp API. We've tailored it towards the WhatsApp marketing use case and our focus is on helping business generate revenue from the platform (in particular because WhatsApp comes with additional costs to email so ROI really matters in WhatsApp).  


When choosing a WhatsApp BSP, make sure your provider offers:

      • A WhatsApp marketing focus, as well as sales and support functionality
      • Advanced audience segmentation
      • Support and features to stay GDPR compliant 
      • Automation with deep analytics
      • Comprehensive integrations (Emarsys, Zendesk, Shopify, Klaviyo and more)
      • Easy-to-add website popups leading people to WhatsApp
      • Intuitive user interface
      • Extensive training and ongoing, proactive support


charles product featuresThe charles WhatsApp marketing platform is easy touse, and focused on revenue generation and GDPR compliance – and onboarding can be done a matter of hours


2. Get customers opted in to WhatsApp

This is where to focus most of your time. The more people you have to talk to on Black Friday, the better.


There are many ways to bring people into your WhatsApp chat, including:

    • Website popups
    • Social posts 
    • Thank you page opt-ins
    • Email newsletters
    • Friend referrals


We call them "Chat-ins" and it's important that they're GDPR compliant (double opt-in, option to unsubscribe...). Your software provider should offer a GPDR-compliant platform and advise you on how to set up compliant flows.


See 6 ways to get people opted in into your WhatsApp channel and grow your WhatsApp audience.


4. Create an engaging campaign

The best approach is to create an overarching concept for all your Black Friday communications. Even if you're leading with WhatsApp, it's likely you'll need assets for social media, website, email, maybe even in-store posters.


Whether you do a competition, event, interactive quiz or simple call it a fun name or add a catchy visual
 have fun and stay true to your brand and keep your design and messaging consistent across all channels.




Here's a Black Friday quiz idea we made. See 5 campaign ideas for Black Friday here.


You can get as creative as you like on WhatsApp. With so many interaction possibilities, automated with Journeys, you can surprise your customers with a truly fun and enjoyable campaign.



So that's how to lay the foundations for a success Black Friday campaign on WhatsApp. See more tips on getting ready for Black Friday here.


2. During Black Week: run a winning WhatsApp marketing campaign 


Now you've got 10,000s or 100,000s of people in your WhatsApp channel, what should you send on Black Friday? How can you do it in a friendly, personal way but still in a way that converts as many customers as possible.


1. Set a clear business objective

Campaign goals are usually either “create revenue” or “build brand.” Make sure you know how you’ll measure success.


  Revenue generating Brand building
Goals Push products, reactivate customers, reward VIPs Learn more about customers, build trust, boost engagement
Campaigns Discounts, offers, exclusive early access campaigns, let customers create a WhatsApp wishlist and send discounts on Black Friday Informational campaign, “Black Friday blackout,” event, quiz, competition, product finder
Results Purchases, total revenue, return on campaign spend (ROCS) Clicks, website visits over time – but results are not always tangible


2. Warm customers up before Black Friday

Once someone has joined your channel, get back to them quickly so you stay top of mind. You'll find that most eCommerce brands plan in an early message a week or two before Black Friday either announcing the campaign or deals that are coming up. 


That way, people know what's coming and will be more engaged (and less annoyed) when your Black Friday campaign pings into their WhatsApp messages.


It's also a chance to let them build a wishlist so you can send highly targeted campaigns based on their real product wishes on Black Friday (and avoid being seen as marketing).


Bear in mind that your first message after an opt-in shouldn’t be too sales focused at this point, as it’s more about building long-term relationships.


If you just gather an audience, wait 4 weeks, then drop in with a Black Friday deal, you're likely to be ignored. It's better to give them a good brand feeling first.

Blessing Osadolor, Success Manager


3. Have extra resource on hand

WhatsApp automation takes away a lot of the hassle of answering customer questions. However, when you send a campaign, you can expect a rise in personal messages that come in. To maintain the feeling that your WhatsApp channel is responsive and personal, have agents on hand when the campaign is first sent out.


Boost your team between November 29 and December 2 (or the entire Black Week). Make sure you have agents on hand to answer any extra WhatsApp messages that come in. 


4. Optimize quickly for Cyber Monday

Be lightning fast in response to Black Friday campaigns for even greater success. Analyze results and tweak for Cyber Monday for greater success.


Yes this will mean a small amount of over the weekend (which we don't usually advise) but the tweaks you make could make a big difference to your revenue. It's a great chance to use live results to make your future campaigns even better converting. 



charles Conversations feature for managing WhatsApp conversations

Our Conversations feature makes it easy for chat agents to reply to WhatsApp messages instantly, share the work, drag and drop products and even create links leading to prefilled shopping carts.

Get a free demo here.


3. After Black Week: how to retain customers in WhatsApp

Once you have people in WhatsApp, treat them right, and they’ll stay forever.


This means sending low frequency, high relevance, campaigns. If they’re genuinely useful to your customers, even better.


Check out these 7 examples of campaigns you can plan in to your CRM strategy to keep customers engaged.

    1. Order confirmation

      Thanks for choosing us! Your order #12345 is confirmed. We'll keep you updated on its progress.

    2. Shipping updates

      Your order is on its way! It should reach you by [date]. Can we help with anything else?

    3. Product tips

      Here are some tips to keep your shoes looking great 🚀

    4. Feedback request

      We'd love to hear about your recent purchase! Your feedback helps us improve 😊

    5. Exclusive offers

      We’re happy you’re here! To say thanks, here’s an exclusive 10% discount for your next purchase! Use code THANKYOU10

    6. Cross-sell opportunity

      You might also like these products based on your last purchases

    7. Birthday wishes

      Happy Birthday! 🎂 As a gift, enjoy free shipping on your next order. Use the code BDAY


See more on Why WhatsApp is a great customer retention tool here.


But don't annoy your new audience! You've now stuck to your WhatsApp Black Friday strategy build a rich, receptive subscriber base for the future.


Take things slow and build relationships beyond flash sales. Customers want more from brands than money off. They want to feel a connection with you.


We always recommend no more than 1-2 campaigns per month: one with an offer, one to build your brand.


Make your WhatsApp Black Friday strategy a guaranteed success in 2024

Partner with charles for your WhatsApp solution and you'll be in good hands. We're a Meta Partner and approved WhatsApp Business Solution Provider that specializes in WhatsApp marketing, revenue generation and the European consumer landscape.


Black Friday 2024 is approaching faster than you think (November 29). If you're thinking about using a WhatsApp marketing channel this year, we recommend you start with WhatsApp as early as possible.


Talk to charles to find out how to get started and learn how to use this opportunity to build your WhatsApp audience – and retain them for ongoing revenue. 



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